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Racial Adversity Essay Samples Medical School
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Macro Economics Aggregate Demand and Supply
Question: Talk about the Macro Economics for Aggregate Demand and Supply. Answer: 1. Impacts of total interest and gracefully on Inconvenience of carbon burdens on huge organizations will lessen both the total interest and the total gracefully. It will move the market balance because of more significant expenses because of increment in duties and lower amount because of the equivalent. Frequency of expense which means shared taxation rate will be more on the makers than the consumers(Farmer, 2007). This is on the grounds that the makers have an increasingly inelastic bend as they are the makers. The interest bend of the purchasers is flexible and he bears less expense if charge is forced. Assessment increment (t) After increment in charges the gracefully moves its situation to one side. The taxation rate is moved to the buyer who needs to address progressively because of cost increment. The Australian dollar may acknowledge because of the accompanying reasons; a) when the fares are more costly than imports thus more significant expenses, when the converse is valid and imports are less expensive and Australia imports greater amount, lower (X-M) causing a moderate monetary development and finally low inflationary rates(Michaillat Saez, 2013). Cash gratefulness prompts improved expectations for everyday comforts, low expansion rates and serious costs of merchandise in the economy. The Chinese economy falls into downturn At the point when monetary development succumbs to back to back financial quarters downturn happens. Downturn causes increment in joblessness because of saving monetary development. A fall sought after total causes a comparing fall in genuine GDP as indicated by Keynesian theory(Farmer, 2007). Impact of GDP is influenced by the slant of gracefully bend when the economy is acting in full limit. A lower request will prompt a comparing lower genuine GDP. Causes in downturn are, cost push swelling bringing about extra cash decrease, falling costs and absence of trust in the economy. Source; matters/reference/ C+I+G+X-M could prompt downturn. This is request totaled. The multiplier impact in the fall of total interest is because of financial approach deflationary. The total interest is the complete spending of administrations and products by buyers, the legislature and everyone and abroad firms. Total demand= utilization + capital investment+ government spending+( sends out imports) The proportion of net fares is finished by figuring the all out estimation of fares less the all out estimation of imports. An adjustment in costs influencing the two fares and imports causes a comparing shift in total interest bend. Move in total interest The will be a deficiency in net import will cause a move in total interest as the costs of fares will be lower than the costs of imports. 2. At the point when the organizations are not extending , it implies that there is no monetary development. Accepting that the economy is at a characteristic degree of genuine GDP, henceforth total interest will increment on the grounds that there is no full work of the information assets. Subsequently, request total movements rightwards from D1 to D2. Comparing increment in the balance costs of products from P1 right to P2 and a relating increment in genuine gross domestic product from Y1 right to Y2(Heinrichs, 2007). At the point when the estimation of dinner explanation retirement fund diminishes because of stock change, the buyer will have some cash left to spend. The expansion in extra cash will prompt increment sought after for products which will additionally push AD bend to one side. This further pushes the balance cost upwards and furthermore moving the genuine GDP to one side. 3. Australia monetary pointers in 2015 Swelling rate 7% Joblessness rate 6.1% Current record deficiency/GDP (%)= - 4.7% Australian dollar/US dollar 0.75 Spending deficiency/GDP %= - 2.3% All out obligation/GDP%= 36.8% 4. The open spending equalization of a nation is equivalent to the contrast among pay and use of open organizations. At the point when costs surpass pay it is said that no open shortfall, which is normally communicated as a level of GDP to encourage worldwide examinations and after some time. Australia auxiliary shortfall issue began when it began getting intensely to back its open use. The substantial getting was to be utilized as an instrument of monetary strategy particularly after antagonistic business cycles in the nation. In any case, it is likewise important to take note of that when the legislature of a nation in shortage, should give open obligation to back it. Thusly, keeping up a changeless type of a high open shortfall could itself lead to an unreasonable circumstance of open funds (unstable development of obligation/GDP proportion) would require a remedy of financial policy(Hunnicutt, 2010). Another issue regularly referenced while considering the presence of open shortfall in a nation is the likelihood that an impact happens ejection from the private part: the development of the open area could be to the detriment of a lower weight of the private segment, yet would expand GDP actually(Macro Economics, 2006). Be that as it may, this impact will be extremely noteworthy the closer the economy of their degree of potential yield are and, along these lines, is more prominent the level of usage of gainful factors.the Government should keep attempting to lessen the auxiliary deficiency and hold open obligation under tight restraints. Outer obligation oftentimes happens through associations like the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. On the off chance that the borrower experiences difficulty paying it, it can represent a significant issue for the monetary advancement of a nation, and in any event, for its self-sufficiency. Chiefly, obligation is by one way or another great, it jam assets while getting assets remotely for endeavors of the procedure. Anyway it becomes risky when obligation isn't generally used what exactly was planned for or discount conditions solidify. There are unfavorable elements to nations that have obtained intensely, for example, Australia. To begin with, financing costs rise which encouraged the obligation emergency in past years, got well known (by inescapable) the demand of new advances to adapt the compensation of unplayable obligations, the outcome from the calamity monetary of the most recent 10 years and the obligation augmentation. Furthermore The U.S dollar was firmly es teemed. Auxiliary change plans were additionally started, Outcomes of gigantic government shortages A few repercussions of the extraordinary indebts of a solitary nation can be:lack of capacity to acquire new advances when fundamental. cruel conditions inconvenience by banks, rising swelling development, making it extremely hard to reimburse the credit. Likewise, the improvement in monetary proportions of the nation will be denied by obligation, entering a winding of perpetual impoverishment. A nation's Mismanagement in inside financial approaches prompting monetary emergency. 5. I dont predict any monetary danger for Australia this is on the grounds that Australia is the main nation OECD that wasnt influenced by downturn during the budgetary emergency. The Australian economy experienced 25 years of back to back development. The development was 2.4% in 2015, falling marginally contrasted with 2014. The Australian dollar fell in 2015, and the falling costs of coal and iron mineral weighed vigorously on sends out. This pattern ought to be comparative in 2016. The log jam is additionally clarified by lower Chinese interest for exports(Prasch, 2008). The digging business represents 20% of GDP, however faces decrease in speculations. Focal points of Australia is that it has: an enormous fare given by rural produce, solid inward household requests and a solid money related industry. In September 2015, Malcolm Turnbull took over as PM. His antecedent, Tony Abbott, endured more than the monetary stoppage, and the open shortfall expanded during his residency. Malcolm Turnbull needs to execute an arrangement of monetary recuperation, putting resources into preparing and foundation.. To restore the economy, the Central Bank brought down its key rate to 2% in May 2015, It is relating to a truly low level. This activity bolstered the cost of Australian family units, which are in any case especially obliged. Australian monetary circumstance stays fortunate: the nation's publicfinancial obligation add to amongthe most minimal in OECD . Thegovtaimstoincreasethe seriousness of the nation ,particularlywhen looked at withtherivalryfrom nations from the asian blockwith respects toexports , and totacklethe difficulties of an old citizenryand alsoissues of atmosphere( dry seasons , floods ) . To animate theoverall monetary development, Australia shouldimproveits combination in exchange withAsian nations. In 2014 november , a facilitated commerce understanding was marked with China , itsmost significanttrading accomplice was signed(Scheer Vogelbusch, n.d.) . This approachdemandsAustralia tocautiouslymanage its relations with itstraditionalpartners : Japanalong with theUnited States . Since 2014 , Australia entered the battle against fear mongering in the Middle East , and the nation has conveyed assaults in Syria in 2015.Finally, the seriousness of Australian movement strategy is reprimanded on the grounds that the nation is blamed for deliberately dismissing the boats with illicit outsiders. Australia prides itself with it monetary thriving: its has among the most elevated per capita regarding GDP and is among the most elevated on the planet. The joblessness rate was 6.2% in 2015, marginally higher that is because of the cooling of the reversals in the mining area. Additionally, the administration affirmed a carbon charge in 2014, taking into account that Australia is one of the most contaminating nations. Confronted with worldwide weight, at that point Australia is focused on building up the atomic division to diminish its emanations of ozone harming substances. In any case, the primary articulations of the new head administrator didn't demonstrate that environment turns out to be a piece of its approach needs. Be that as it may, it appears as though the nation has taken care of its business and won't expect a downturn at any point in the near future. References Beetsma, R. (2004).Monetary arrangement, financial strategies, and work markets. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Dufty-Jones, R., Connell, J., Argent,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Perfect Storm essays
The Perfect Storm papers In the book The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger, the Satori salvage was portrayed precisely. While looking on the Internet, I discovered numerous examples where others discussed the data Junger gave the peruser. Additionally, there were numerous photos that helped me to perceive what Junger was expounding on in his book. I was exceptionally dazzled with how well he had the option to recount to the story, while keeping the entirety of the realities in affability. Numerous essayists will in general play with words such that will lead the peruser to think something a long way from what truly occurred and a long way from reality. Junger was an exceptionally noteworthy author in The Perfect Storm. He had the option to recount to the story like it really occurred, while not bowing the expressions of others. This made for an exact and great book. With the narrative of the Satori salvage, Junger included various individual records from the individuals who were included. Thusly, he had the option to draw the peruser further into the story and help them completely comprehend what was going on. Additionally, it assisted with putting a course of events of the episode and acquaint the peruser with what a tempest can resemble when on a vessel on the water. Junger gave the foundation of what the angler had experienced previously and how this particular tempest identified with them. He had the option to give the peruser history of what sort of tempests the vessel and angler had experienced in the earlier years and what they were accustomed to experiencing on their angling trips. Another significant part of the book was the logs, communicates, and radio transmissions that were included into Jungers composing. There were close to home logs that were composed by the angler. This by itself shows the peruser of what amount was looked into and found by Junger before he started composing. The logs were clarifying what the angler were experiencing at the hour of the tempest and what perspective they were in at that point. The communicates from the climate administration were likewise placed in the book. By doing... <!
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
CPW-related whatsits
CPW-related whatsits Just some things you might want to know before you arrive tomorrow! Anonymous asked, Hi, Mollie! How did you and Adam get matched up with your starter child (pre-frosh) for CPW? Is it a personality match or just random? And how did you get to be hosts? Are all the bloggers automatically hosts? Adam was matched up with our starter child (who is Timur, yay!) because they both requested each other. Most host-prefrosh pairs were matched up based on answers to a questionnaire that you completed and we completed. So its about half personality and half random. :) All the hosts had to volunteer to host, so the bloggers arent automatic hosts. (I think all or most of us signed up anyway. We like helping.) Actually, about 1000 people volunteered this year to host 800 prefrosh, so there are lots of people at MIT interested in helping you make your college decision. I would really encourage all of you to ask lots of questions this weekend, both of your host and of anyone else you meet. Get lots of responses. I would also encourage you to explore all the dormitories and as many FSILGs as strike your fancy. Find a community! Theres definitely one here for you. At the moment, it is actually snowing in the 02139, but I assure you that somebody is kicking the famous CPW Weather Machine, and hopefully it will be working by the time you get here. Accuweather says its supposed to be 40s-50s and mostly sunny for the rest of the weekend. Smiles asked in Matts last entry, Hey, just wondering, do we sleep on the floor of our hosts dorm, or are we actually getting a bed? And Mike Borohovski answered, It depends on where/with whom you are staying. When I was a prefrosh, I stayed at ZBT and thus got a bed. Some students have futons in their rooms you can sleep in. I am in a double and as such, my prefrosh will be sleeping on the floor, heh. My prefrosh is sleeping on the couch. There are as many options as there are hosts, probably other people in my dorm are putting two or three prefrosh in suite lounges (um, but not that one, which is covered with Adams airplane stuff) so they can be together and not have to be around their crotchety hosts all the time. I hope you all know how youre getting to campus. If youre arriving by air, you can take the airport shuttle if youre coming tomorrow between 8 AM and 9 PM. Otherwise, you should follow the signs to Ground Transportation and take the SL1 Silver Line bus ($1.25) to South Station, where you should follow the signs for Outbound to Alewife via Harvard and take the red line train to the Kendall/MIT stop. There is a giant campus map right outside the T stop, or you could pretty much ask anybody how to get to the Student Center (which is where you should check in). Happy travels, and we cant wait to see you this weekend! EDIT, to answer questions! 1. Nichole asked, Unfortunately, I will be arriving very late in the weekend (Saturday)Someone mentioned that well receive a packet of information at check-in. Can I still get that packet of information on Saturday, and, if so, where do I go to get it? I would say to head yourself on over to the CPW Help Desk, which is in the West Lounge on the second floor of the Student Center (which will be staffed this weekend by a variety of bloggers and admissions slaves!). Im sure theyll know what to do with you. :) 2. Anonymous asked, Does MIT allow us to go on the computers to use the internet during CPW? And also, how do I know where to find my host? Your host should have contacted you already (tsk, tsk to them!). If you get here and dont know yet with whom youre staying, go to registration and/or the Help Desk (2nd floor Student Center) theyll get you straightened out and point you to the next place you ought to go. As for computers MIT is, as you might imagine, a place with 1 computer per capita, so your host will almost certainly let you use his or her computer(s). If you want to experience all that Athena academic computing has to offer, Im sure you could find somebody to log you in there too.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
African Women During European Expansion - 1295 Words
The anticolonial movements in Africa were ways to get back at European expansion on the area from the 1890s to the 1960s. African comebacks to colonial rule varied from place to place and over time. Several methods of both violent and nonviolent resistance to colonialism emerged. Nonviolent forms of anti-colonialism included the use of the trade unions, press, religious organizations, associations, literary or art forms, and mass migrations. Various African states used one or several of these nonviolent forms of anti-colonialism at one time or another, but what is significant is that most of them resorted to armed resistance or devastating actions to protect their way of life and independence. The first segment of African resistance to colonial rule took place from about 1880 to 1910 and was largely categorized by several forms of rebellious anti-colonialism, in which military resistance was the norm. Most African states took up arms to protect their independence during this period. In the end, it was only Ethiopia that was able to ultimately overthrow the European power of Italy, to maintain its independence. â€Å"From 1935 to 1936 the Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini occupied Ethiopia in revenge for the embarrassing downfall that Italy suffered in 1896.†(Poggo, 2015). The Italian occupation encouraged African nationalism and Pan-Africanism because many Africans, believed that Ethiopia was a representation of African resilience and individuality. Some historians haveShow MoreRelatedThe Population Movements Were The Indonesian Colonization Of Madagascar1554 Words  | 7 PagesSamantha Sharp Professor Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja AAAD 101-003 October 2, 2014 Report Name A lot of movements have taken place in Africa; however, the two most dramatic population movements were the Indonesian Colonization of Madagascar and the Bantu Expansion in Central, East and Southern Africa. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Chapter 4 Neurons, Hormones, And The Brain - 1699 Words
Patrick Beninga Professor Hanretty PSY 202 Section 16 7 October 2015 Chapter 4: Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain The Nervous System: A Basic Blueprint The Central Nervous System Central Nervous System The par of the nervous system consisting of the brain and the spinal cord interprets information about the senses ex: Touch, Taste, Sound, Smell. Spinal Cord A collection of neurons and supportive tissue running from the base of the brain down the center of the back, protected by a column of bones (the spinal column) acts as a bridge between the brain and the rest of the body spinal reflexes are subconscious Because the brain and spinal cord are connected, reflexes can be influenced by thoughts and emotions example: increased heart rate when nervous Peripheral Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System All portions of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord; it includes sensory and motor nerves Sensory Nerves Carry messages from special receptors in the skin, muscles, and other internal and external sense organs to the spinal cord, which sends them to the brain Motor Nerves Carry orders from the central nervous system to muscles, glands, and internal organs Somatic Nervous System the subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that connects to sensory receptors and to skeletal muscles; sometimes called the skeletal nervous system Autonomic nervous system The subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that regulates the internal organs and glands SympatheticShow MoreRelatedMajor Divisions Of The Nervous System1514 Words  | 7 Pagesincludes the brain and spinal cord, the CNS processes information and send commands to the body. †¢ PNS - sensory (afferent nerves) senses stimulus inside and outside the body and send information about the stimulus to the CNS. 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The chapter starts out by mentions Naperville, whichRead MoreInfluence on Behavior1104 Words  | 5 Pagesdealing with the nervious actions and the sensese mechanism. Evolutionary Evolutionary psychology is a relatively new discipline that applies the principles of Darwinian natural selection to the study of the human mind. A central claim is that the brain evolved to solve problems encountered by our hunter gatherer ancestors during the upper Pleistocene period over 10000 years ago, a time know as the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation. Part II: Research Methods Describe research methods usedRead MoreChapter 4 5 Study Guide Essay1225 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Chapter 4 Study Guide 1. What are the two main functions of the sympathetic nervous system? (A) Activating system that arouses the body, mobilizing its energy in stressful situations – fight/flight (B) Regulates strong emotional reactions 2. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Law Brief Free Essays
Law Brief Assignment Case: Fans v. New York Highlanders Inc. Facts: The New York Highlanders are building a new stadium, offered a first come first serve season ticket special. We will write a custom essay sample on Law Brief or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to be eligible, buyers would have to pay a $10,000 licensing fee which would guarantee a specific seat as identified in a stadium seating diagram. About 10,000 fans signed up and sent in their seating choices at the 50 yard line (the most desired seats) and received confirmation from the Highlanders that their seats were reserved. Unfortunately, after the licenses were sold to the 10,000 fans, the stadiums dimensions were reduced and only had 5,000 available seats on the 50 yard line. The Highlanders announced that 5,000 of the 10,000 would get the preferred seating based on a lottery, and the remaining 5,000 would be given other seats. Issue: The plaintiffs are suing the defendant to reimburse a $10,000 fee which guaranteed a specific seat in the new stadium. Due to reduced dimensions, the New York Highlanders Inc. would give the plaintiffs different seats Application: Referring to the case of Yocca v. Pittsburg Steelers Sports Inc. Yocca was sent a brochure granting the right to buy annual season tickets to games thru stadium building licenses. Yocca applied for the stadium building license and listed his seating preference. The Steelers sent him a letter notifying him of the section in which his seat was located. A diagram was included with detailed parameters of the section, but it differed from the origin al brochures diagram. The Steelers also sent Yocca documents including a clause that read,†This agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties. †Yocca signed the documents, and the Steelers told him the specific location of the seats. When he arrived to the stadium, the seat was not where he expected it to be. Yocca filed a suit against the Steelers, the defendants appealed to the state supreme court. Since the parties, without any fraud or mistake, have purposely put their arrangements in writing, the law states the writing to be the only evidence of their agreement. All previous negotiations, conversations and verbal agreements can not be combined or added to evidence. â€Å"Once a writing is determined to be the parties entire contract, the parol evidence rule applies and evidence of any previous written negations or agreements nvolving the same subject matter as the contract is almost always inadmissible to explain or vary the terms of the contract. Because the plaintiffs based their complaint on the claim that the defendants violated the terms of the brochure, and the court held the brochure as not part of the contract, the case was dismissed. The Yocca v. Pittsburg Steelers Sports Inc case is similar to the Fans v. New York Highlanders Inc, in which the fan(s) paid for specific seats that they were guaranteed to have. The fans signed up for their seat choices and received confirmation that the seats were reserved, same as Yocca’s agreement with the Steelers. A few differences between these two cases are that Yocca signs a clause that reads, â€Å"This agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties. †But this clause was signed AFTER he applied for the SBL documents. With the Highlanders case, we are not giving enough information as to what the fans signed off to, but we can make an assumption that the fans signed off to a similar clause because they both are applying for stadium building license. Also, in Yocca’s case the stadium was not reducing its dimensions. Both cases had plaintiffs purchasing â€Å"specific†seats in which they were guaranteed and resulting in having a different seat or wanting reimbursement. With the fans v. Highlanders, there was no brochure or previous negations; the plaintiff’s signed off on the SBL which is the only evidence of their agreement. Seeing as to the defendant violating the agreement, the plaintiff’s are subject to a reimbursement. Decision: In a court of law, the parties’ entire contract (the Stadium Building License Document) is the only evidence of their agreement. All negations, conversations, and brochures cannot be added to parol evidence. Because the plaintiff’s based their case complaint that the defendant violated the terms of the Stadium Building License, the defendants owe the fans a reimbursement of $10,000. Citations: 1. Clarkson, Miller. Business Law. 11. Yocca v. Pittsburg Steeler Sports, Inc. , Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 2004 578 Pa. , 854 A. 2D, 425: Pages 313-314. 2. http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/23473/how_to_write_a_legal_brief_pg2 How to cite Law Brief, Essays
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Adults Managing Mental Health
Question: Explain the scope and nature of dementia in adults, and consider the responses that might be taken to such conditions? Answer: Dementia in adults: Introduction: Adults often suffer from many metal disorders due to excess of workload, stress, depression, lack of family attention etc. Dementia is a mental disorder seen almost in adults, is a type of disease results in loss of memory and power of thinking that increase gradually. The patient affected by dementia could not be able to perform the daily woks (Colyer, 2011). In this topic we will discuss about the definition, types, causes and treatments of dementia in adults. Definition: Dementia is the disability of an affected persons loss of memory, thinking power eventually and failure to perform his daily functions and communicating. Types of dementia: There are many types of dementia seen in adults and the most common type is Alzheimers disease. Others are Lewy body dementia, vascular dementia, Parkinsons disease, fronto temporal dementia, syphilis and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease etc. Alzheimers disease related to shortest memory loss and word finding problems. Vascular dementia is cause due to injury to blood vessels and disease. Lewy bodies dementia is shows the primary symptoms of visual hallucinations and Parkinsons disease. Parkinsons disease is disorders in nervous system which affects the movement of the patient. Frontotemporal dementia has the symptoms of drastic changes in personality and language difficulties. Symptoms of dementia: Some common symptoms for dementia are recent loss of memory, difficulty in performing daily tasks, communicating problems, confusion, lack of taking any decisions, problem with conceptual thinking, mood swings, loss of interest in performing any work etc. Causes of dementia: Dementia mainly caused due to the death of brain cell in most of the cases. Head injury, brain stroke, tumor in brain can also be the cause for dementia. The cause of dementia also found associated with HIV. Depression, deficiency of vitamin, medications are some of the causes of dementia. There some recent developments in the cause of dementia those are vitamin D deficiency, serious brain injury, and lack of proper sleep (MacGill, 2015). Diagnosis of dementia: The first step for diagnosis concern with memory power and cognitive health. This can be done by asking simple questions. Basic tests associated with drawing and word could help to diagnose dementia. Mental tests, GPCOG test, MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) are some of the tests to diagnose dementia. Recently developed tests are four biomarkers of dementia and physical abilities of the adults (Mahoney, 2011). Treatments for dementia in adults: Since dementia is mainly cause due to death of the brain cell there is no such effective treatment for dementia. I f symptoms shoe that dementia due to reversible cause and non degenerative cause; this can be prevent ed. Alzheimers disease symptoms can be reduced by medications. Some medicines for this are Donepezil, Alantamine, Rivastigmine and Tacrine etc. Brain train also helps decreasing the symptoms of Alzheimers disease (Fischer et al., 2011). Care from family members and friends is very much need in prevention of dementia in adults. There are some current developments in controlling dementia, they are drugs that prevent the brain cell death, taking nuts and oil with Mediterranean diet can prevent memory loss. Some risk factors for dementia are tobacco smoking drinking of alcohol, high cholesterol level, high blood glucose level etc. Conclusion: Dementia is a mental disease cause mainly due to the death of brain cells. It can also cause due to prolonged medication, HIV infection, depression etc. Since it is due to the death of brain cells there is no proper treatments but some medicines are available to prevent this. Adult having high cholesterol high blood sugar, taking alcohol and smoking are at high risk of getting this disease. There are some recent developments in treatment of this disease and are still more researches in this regard are going on. References list: Colyer, H. (2011). Dementia care a positive future: a postscript.Quality Ageing Older Adults, 12(2). Fischer, C., Schweizer, T., Joy, J., Jiang, D., Ringer, L. and Herrmann, N. (2011). Determining the Impact of Dementia on Antidepressant Treatment Response in Older Adults.Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 23(3), pp.358-361. MacGill, M. (2015).Dementia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. [online] Medical News Today. Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2015]. MAHONEY, D. (2011). Adult ADHD Associated With Dementia Risk.Internal Medicine News, 44(4), pp.22-23.
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